+GAT METZ MANSO RIGGS 481/1 Semen Available (click here)

1990 Premier Show Bull of Florida and soon to be Trait Leader in EVERY Carcass Trait in the ABBA Sire Summary
Premier Bull of Florida in 1990, 481/1 is the ULTIMATE BULL. His offspring are gentle, thick, productive and TENDER! Check out his EPDs below. Due to lack of calf registrations, 481/1 is not listed in the current sire summary. However, soon he will be a trait leader in EVERY CARCASS TRAIT Some of his progeny are pictured below. Click here to view his pedigree.
481/1's current EPD's would rank him:
#7 in Carcass Weight
#4 in Fat
#9 in REA
#10 in Marbling
#7 in Retail Product
#1 in Tenderness.
481/1's current EPD's would rank him:
#7 in Carcass Weight
#4 in Fat
#9 in REA
#10 in Marbling
#7 in Retail Product
#1 in Tenderness.
FALL 2011 EPD's
Birth Weight +1.2
Weaning Weight +7.2
Yearling Weight +11.1
Milk +10.0
Carc Wt. +29.4
Fat -0.020 REA +.37
Marbling -0.05
Retail Product % +0.12
Tenderness -0.53
Weaning Weight +7.2
Yearling Weight +11.1
Milk +10.0
Carc Wt. +29.4
Fat -0.020 REA +.37
Marbling -0.05
Retail Product % +0.12
Tenderness -0.53